Body as method

Here is a great post that talks about the basics of synergy between body, movement, dance and music. (Among other elements) This writer has put his or her entire Masters online. I have already found great resources such as a Video on Silence by John Cage. I am interested to read all of this Masters. The work is hypertext so you can kind of jump in and out of the writing rather than read chronologically.
I will see if I can find out more about the author soon.

Folk as Art

When asked about how the movement from function towards art had been done I realised that bodily experiments had been an important part in the process. In general there has been a synergy between several different processes that has worked paralell, all involved with breaking my learned patterns and expanding my action space within music, expanding my personal stage. A lot of this took part during the semester in Helsinki, even if it had been started during the preceding semesters in Stockholm and Odense.

I started to play [include hyperlink to text about playing] with the instrument, experimenting with what sounds I could get out of it but I also started to play with my body and with my voice. And I think it was very important as an opener for me, that I got bodified experiences of my increased personal stage to aid me in using that also when…

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2 thoughts on “Body as method

  1. svenmidgren

    Thanks for sharing this. The whole text is not published yet, but I hope to have most of it online by tomorrow or wednesday (I kind of have to…). And there will be a short biography coming up there as well soon 🙂

    1. Jo Murphy Post author

      There is no hurry I am subscribed to you so when it comes up I will then add more to the post. Good luck over the next few days, J


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